Having a study abroad experience is not only at the core of St. 爱德华的 mission but is an exciting way for students to continue learning, 日益增长的, and adding to their personal and professional portfolios. 对于那些有兴趣探索所有可用选择的人来说,留学办公室是他们的中心. 

留学办公室的工作人员在国外生活和旅行过很多次,在留学领域有丰富的经验. 我们采取全面的方法,通过了解我们遇到的每一个学生来提供留学建议,这样我们就可以最好地推荐对整个人都有益的项目——学术上, 就我个人而言, 和情感上.

出国留学的流程和截止日期可能很多,所以我们要求每个学生都到我们的办公室与顾问会面. 有兴趣出国留学的学生在整个过程中与留学顾问密切合作,从选择最适合他们个人和学术需求的项目, navigating the various deadlines and application pieces, and helping to set expectations for their upcoming experience. Once students are on their study abroad program, their study away advisor is always available to them, as well as when they return to campus, providing any assistance they need in adjusting to life in their host country, as well as back home at the end of their adventure. 


大多数计划出国留学的学生表示,他们的目标之一是变得更加独立,对许多人来说, studying abroad is the first time they have been responsible for themselves. 这种独立带来了兴奋和信心的增强,但也伴随着许多挫折. 任何项目的前两周通常都充满了兴奋和活力,因为他们在探索新环境. But after that honeymoon period wears off, 他们必须开始在一个陌生的地方和文化,有时是另一种语言中建立新的生活和日常生活. It is hard and they will have many good and bad days plus homesickness. It’s challenging but the good news is that they get through it, they have a semester or summer of growth and come home more mature, 独立的, 还有足智多谋的人.


  1. 探索-您的学生可以在我们的留学门户网站上了解我们的留学项目,他们也可以来参加一般信息会议或参加旁听咨询. Advisors will guide them in selecting a program that best meets their academic, 个人和职业目标. 

  2. 申请-您的学生将在公布的截止日期前申请他们所选择的课程(并指出第二选择). Upon review of all applications and within two weeks of the posted deadline, 他们将收到关于他们接受的信息和下一步的指示. 

  3. 接受-所有被录取的学生将有10-14天的时间来参加该计划,并提交100美元的押金(不可退还),以保留他们在该计划中的位置. 

  4. Committed and Preparing – 出国留学 provides all relevant requirements, deadlines and next steps for committed students. This includes information on pre-departure meetings, 获得护照和/或签证, 飞行采购, 课程注册, 卫生许可, 住房, payments and additional application steps (sponsored and exchange programs). 

  5. Abroad -在国外时, 你的学生将负责他或她的学术课程和所有剩余的必要材料. 我们鼓励您阅读这篇有用的指南,以了解您的学生在国外和回国后可能会经历什么. 

  6. 首页 on the Hilltop – Once your students returns home, “出国留学”提供的项目帮助他们重新回到校园,并整合他们在山顶之外的生活经历.

Here are some resources to learn more:


Your support and involvement in their journey are vital, 你能为学生做的最好的事情之一就是通过尽可能多地自己管理截止日期和流程,让他们对自己的学习经历负责. This is a time for tremendous personal growth, 我们期待着与您的学生一起制定他们的留学计划. 


首先,出国留学是一项严谨的学术努力,而不是休息. Students should be prepared to work hard. 在很多方面, 由于不同的学术文化,出国留学在学术上更具挑战性. 在许多国家, 学生们被期望更有责任感、更有自我驱动力,能够独立工作,而不像他们在圣乔治大学习惯的那样,受到太多的制约和平衡. 爱德华的. 例如, 在许多国家, 学生在学期中应该只有几次考试,期末成绩的70%以上是基于他们的期末考试或项目.

出国留学也是一个挑战,因为有更多的分心. 虽然我们充分认识到,出国留学经历的重要组成部分是旅行和探索, 这仍然是一个学术上的努力,所以学生必须有建设性地管理他们的时间. 因此,圣. 爱德华的 students interested in studying are required to have at least a 2.75 GPA in order to be approved to study abroad, regardless of the GPA requirements of any program(s) they are interested in.

In preparation for their study away experience, all St. 爱德华的学生必须与他们的成功教练和学术顾问会面,以获得他们计划在国外学习的课程的批准, 并计划好他们在东南大学的剩余学期,以确保他们能够跟上他们的通识教育和毕业的专业要求.


出国留学最实际和最直接的好处之一是语言习得. 鼓励你的学生考虑提供学习另一种语言机会的项目, especially in an immersive or semi-immersive manner. In addition to the cultural insights that your student will gain, 语言能力正成为招聘经理之间越来越重要的差异化因素. Even if your student is not proficient, 扎实的另一种语言工作知识表明对其他文化的开放和欣赏,这是21世纪的关键技能. 如果你的学生以前没有学过一门语言,鼓励他们开始学习!

Behavioral conduct and expectations

While students are on their study abroad program, 他们有责任了解并遵守他们项目的所有规则和政策, 主办大学, 以及他们的东道国, 除了支持圣. 爱德华的 standards of good conduct which can be found in the St. 365比分网电竞 学生手册.


Most study abroad students say their time away changed them for life. 这些变化的广泛程度和深度取决于每个人的经历和他们是什么类型的人. 回家 after such a transformative experience can be bittersweet. 他们是, 当然, so excited to be back with family and friends and all things familiar, but they may miss the adventure and excitement of daily life on their program. 理解你的学生可能正在经历的各种各样的情绪和感受是有帮助的. 你的学生已经改变了,这些改变有些是明显的,有些是微妙的. Be patient and take time to get reacquainted, acknowledging that you may not be able to help your student adjust. It is just part of the process that will continue to evolve for years to come.